Upcoming elections– an exhortation for God's people
Thu, 07/25/2024 - 10:33am
It is crucial, this upcoming election, that people who have a relationship with The Living God, through Jesus Christ, choose 'the candidate' that has 'The Platform' that MOST aligns with GOD's Word!!! Be certain you do NOT cast a vote for 'a candidate' that supports that which your very Creator HATES which is CLEARLY delineated within 'His Word'!! (See Proverbs 6:16-19)
We, His children, are COMMANDED to 'Love' - - EVERYTHING that opposes Godly Love as His Word clearly delineates, opposes GOD, Himself!! I know I would NOT want to be in the shoes of one whom had so defiantly made choices in Life that had gone AGAINST The Very One Whom is Love! (1st John 4:8; 16) GOD, and God, alone is 'The One' Whom knits together EVERY child IN 'their very mother's womb!! (Psalm 139:13 – NIV) Thus, COLD BLOODED 'murder' of 'The Most Innocent' CLEARLY GRIEVES God's Heart!!
When election day comes, VOTE - - But VOTE 'for' the candidates that BEST have PLATFORMS that align with GOD's Heart!! And, you know something? WHEN you do 'this', YOU will have enabled God's Hand to, not only BLESS you, and those whom you hold dear to your heart, but, too, this very nation - - that today, is in SUCH DIRE 'need' of people determined to STAND for the Righteousness: the very Truth of God's Word: 'Truth in LOVE'!!!! ALL Christians: Be certain YOU Get out to the polls and VOTE!! This country's future - - our children and our children's children NEED genuine Godly leadership!!
Phillip McLaughlin, Willow Springs