Howell County News/ Amanda Mendez

Webb enters the race

The race for Willow Springs Mayor is contested for the first time since 2019. Incumbent Mayor Brooke Fair is not seeking re-election. Candidate filing for the soon-to-be vacant seat was open from Dec. 10 to 31, and two people have filed to run.
As previously reported by Howell County News, sitting alderwoman Kim Rich filed first. She is challenged by Adam Webb for the mayor’s seat. 
Webb is well known to be a landowner in Texas County, active with the Texas County Cattlemen’s Association, and Fire Chief at Tyrone. However, he reports he is a resident of the City of Willow Springs – Quail Run, specifically. City Hall confirms candidates for office must present a valid voter registration card showing their address. 
Webb also serves on the Willow Springs R-IV School Board of Education. He reports this is his first foray into municipal politics. He said he is at a time in his life when he has more time available to serve. His vision for Willow Springs is one in which “the old traditions” are balanced with progress and development. 
“We need housing for this town to grow,” he told Howell County News. “If there’s no place for people to live, there’s no opportunity, and the town’s not growing.”
Webb also sees himself, “looking at the budget to see where things can be moved around to fit, and being able to do more,” with available revenues. 
As previously reported by the News, Webb has applied for the Willow Springs Fire Chief position, a job for which the city has convened a hiring committee. 
“City Hall told me I can’t do both,” he commented.
Aldermen Races
There is a contested race for Ward 1 Alderman, a position soon to be vacated by Phill Knott. Bryan Hogan, retired Willow Springs Police Chief, is running. Luke Bartow was the second to file for the Ward 1 position. 
The Ward 2 position held by Danny Bradley is uncontested. Michael Tooley will serve as the next Ward 2 Alderman. 
Election day for these races is April 8, 2025.
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