WS Thomas F. Benyo Golf Scores

Church League for Monday, May 10 was pretty cool. We only had 14 players.
Not certain about the scores.
Score 31 Mike Coatney, Linda Benyo, Terry Brock, Pam Smith and James
Score 31 Will and Christian Gunnerson, Jarrod Grogan, Brett and Barb Tate
3rd Team Steve Coatney, Kaye Tipton, Gibby, Chuck
Closest to pin 2nd shot Hole #1 Mike Coatney
Longest Putt Hole #5 Jarrod Grogan
Cat/Dog on Tuesday, May 11, 5 teams
Tie for first with even par had to payne. Payne hole was #7
1st place Kaye Tipton and Jamie Tipton
2nd place Mike Coatney and Linda Benyo
3rd had another tie.
Score 38 Barb Tate and Buster Graves
Score 38 Wendy Willard and Gibby
Score 41 June and Meth
No hole prizes this night.
Correction from last week: Barb Tate was on the team that shot 30

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