Willow Springs Police Department

May 13
Kathleen F. Horn, Waterloo, Ill., stop sign violation. 
Laura Ann Davis, Bolivar, exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Jessica M. Love, Qulin, Mo., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Marymacon B. Anderson Walmsley, Lillington, N.C., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
John Roe Wiley, Springfield, exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Anna Marie Campney, Willow Springs, failure to maintain financial responsibility, failure to register a motor vehicle. 
May 14
Daral Edwin Rector, Bourbon, Mo., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Noah E. Littrell, Kansas City, exceeding the posted speed limit. 
James Marion Byer, Springhill, Tn., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Kenneth Carlin Hendren, Chattanooga, Tn., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Donavon Ray Headings, Halfway, Mo., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Robert Lee Kendrick, Jr., Willow Springs, failure to register a motor vehicle. 
May 15
Dalton Andrew Ferrell, Pomona, driving while suspended, driving while revoked/suspended. 
May 16
Daniela Smith, Tunnel Hill, Ga., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Chelsey Simone Dye, Covington, Tn., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Jimmy Lamar Purgason, Lagrange, Ga., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Jose Antonio Urena, Dodge City, Ks., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Malcom J. Long, Lilbourn, Mo., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
May 17
Sara G. Zamora, Mandaree, N.D., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Pedro Miguel Hernandez, Pocahontas, Ark., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
Bryant Giles Tucker, Hernando, Ms., exceeding the posted speed limit. 
May 18
Walter Stephen McKee, Dixon, failure to register a motor vehicle. 
Calls for Service 
May 13
Contact was made with a caller. Occurrence was determined to be a civil issue. 
A fight in progress was reported. Once on scene, no fight was found. A male subject reported that someone put shampoo on his truck. 
May 14
A man was reported living in his vehicle for several days at the Love’s truck stop. Contact was made with the male subject, and he explained that someone was on the way to help him fix his truck, at which point he would be on his way. 
Children’s Behavioral Health requested assistance getting a bird out of the ceiling. The bird could not be caught, but managed to get out the following morning. The building inspector was informed of a possible point of entry, where the bird was gaining access to the ceiling. 
Four cars were stopped along the shoulder of Highway 60/63. The group was traveling together when one of the vehicles began having engine troubles. 
Assistance was given to a motorist with a disabled vehicle. The vehicle was pushed out the roadway until a family mechanic showed up on the scene. 
A lift assist was requested for an elderly male. The man refused medical attention. 
May 15
An open door was reported at a church. The building was checked, and the door is difficult to secure. The door was pulled closed and checked. 
A reckless driver was reported on Sunshine Drive. 
May 16
A disturbance was reported on West Fourth St. A male and female were arguing over a car. 
A safety check was requested for children playing in a lawn mower trailer on Pine. The children were gone upon arrival. 
A male subject was observed walking along Main St. When the male subject saw the patrol vehicle, he began running. A caretaker for the male subject reported that he was running away, and that she was following him. The male subject was advised to stop causing a disturbance. 
A resident on North Harris reported having trouble with a caretaker. The subject was reportedly refusing to take his medication, and was wanting money. 
May 18
Barking dogs were reported on Lance Ln. Contact was made with the owner of the dogs, who stated that dogs bark, and she can’t control it. 
A resident on Spencer Ln. reported that his neighbor’s dog was barking loudly, and appeared to have no food or water. Contact was made with the dog’s owner, who stated that the dog was let out of the house periodically. The animal appeared to be well taken care of, and the owner was advised to control the dog’s barking. 
May 19
A vehicle was reported traveling south in the northbound lane of US 60/63. The vehicle was gone upon officer’s arrival. 
A lost debit card was returned to a female subject.

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