Police Blotters

Citations September 2 Andrew Nathaniel Gilbert, Willow Springs, stop sign violation.  Susan Caroll Corniels, Willow Springs, animal at large.  Joseph Valentine Lopez, Willow Springs, failure to register a motor vehicle.  September 3 Thomas Ray Wheeler, Jr., Middlesbro, Ky., exceeding...
Arrests August 23 Baili Charise Carter, 29, failure to appear (three counts).  August 25 Mitchell Lee Sanders, 28, failure to appear.  Sheldon Lee Stokes, 28, failure to appear.  August 27 Deborah S. Balfour, 41, failure to appear (three counts).  August 28 Christopher M. Smith...
Citations September 4 Bradley Duncan, 47, Mountain View, failure to drive on the right side of the roadway.  September 5 Phillip Dimarco, 24, Mountain View, vandalism.  September 6 John Singleton, 22, Cape Girardeau, exceeding the posted speed limit.  Luke Killinger, 42, Springfield...
Arrests August 31 Alison Marie Kimberlin, 41, failure to appear (two counts), stealing.  Cody James Carter, 28, failure to appear (two counts), probation violation.  September 1 Brittney Nicole Birdsong, 27, failure to appear.  Jeremiah Dean Partee, 42, stealing (three counts),...
Citations August 23 Stephanie McKay, 40, failure to display state license plates.  Corey Smith, 32, seat belt violation.  Krystal Austen, 38, lighting violation.  Pamela Castle, 61, third degree assault.  Jay Coolbaugh, 57, exceeding the posted speed limit.  August 25 Gregory...
Arrests August 24 Matthew Roy Young, 40, failure to appear (two counts).  Richard Watson Warner III, 35, first degree assault, third degree assault/special victim (two counts).  Matthew Eric Sherwood, 29, second degree burglary (two counts), failure to appear (eight counts), first degree...
Citations August 20 Levi Mattison Bruce, Willow Springs, failure to maintain financial responsibility, no seatbelt, driving while intoxicated.  Dennis Juell Meech, Fort Scott, Ks., exceeding the posted speed limit.  David William Holmes, Defiance, exceeding the posted speed limit. ...
Arrests August 3 Brittany Nicole Long, 28, failure to appear (three counts).  Chance Carver Lashley, 28, property damage, resisting arrest.  August 4 Anthony Jerome Mackins, 36, third degree domestic assault.  August 5 Brent Allen Turner, 29, possession of a controlled substance,...
Citations August 16 Ira White, 28, Springfield, exceeding the posted speed limit, failure to drive on the right half of the roadway, failure to register a motor vehicle.  August 19 Michael Held, 62, Springfield, exceeding the posted speed limit.  August 20 Justin Murphy, 29, failure...
Arrests August 18 Chad Lynn Green, 48, driving while revoked/suspended (five counts), possession of a controlled substance (two counts).  Brent Allen Reeves, 45, failure to appear.  August 19 Christopher Dean Richardson, 32, second degree domestic assault.  August 20 Clayton Joseph...


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