Community Events

All the Republicans who hope to represent Howell County in Jefferson City will participate in a debate next month. Join us at the West Plains Civic Center in the Expo Hall at 6:00 p.m. on July 25.    Both candidates for the Missouri State Senate primary will appear in West Plains for a mini...
Secretary of State and candidate for governor, Jay Ashcroft, will host a meet and greet with Howell County residents at Colton's Steakhouse in West Plains from 9 to 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 29th, where he will discuss his approach to leadership and path to reform over coffee and light refreshments...
The Willow Springs Fire Department, in partnership with the American Red Cross, announces the launch of a new program that provides a free smoke alarm to be installed by a firefighter in local homes. Residents of the City of Willow Springs and members of the Willow Springs Rural Fire Protection...
The Lions Club of Willow Springs is holding a Mighty Mite Cheer Camp August 8 to August 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day. The camp will be held at the Lions Club, located at 2532 County Road 5800 in Willow Springs, MO. The cost will be $25.00 for the 20224 season.   Sign up sheets...
There are a lot of fruit and veggies now plus Columbian fruit drinks back at the market every Saturday. Gorgeous cut flowers and lavender stem bouquets are available weekly. Coming soon -- street corn, corn and watermelon. There are forty-plus vendors.    The "Go Farm" Farmer's Market is...
Pine Meadows Venue presents Red, White and Blue Concert For A Cause. The concert will be held on Saturday, July 6 from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and will benefit the Whetstone Boys Ranch.   There will be live events from Ozarks Pet Rescue and Get Roasted Coffee Co. Music will be by Anthony...
Back to School Blessings is a community event hosted at Westside Family Life Center. Many local churches, businesses, and individuals come together to make this event possible and provide supplies to kids in need. Students must live within the Willow Springs School District for the Fall of 2024...
First General Baptist Church, 2507 Railroad Drive, Willow Springs, will hold their annual fireworks display on July 4th. Fireworks will begin at dark. They will have hot dogs and chips available and have invited food trucks this year to help offset the long lines. There is no need to come before...
All the Republicans who hope to represent Howell County in Jefferson City will participate in a debate next month. Join us at the West Plains Civic Center in the Expo Hall at 6:00 p.m. on July 25.    Both candidates for the Missouri State Senate primary will appear in West Plains for a mini...
All veterans and active military, come as you are Thursday, July 4 to the Star Theater. A presentation to honor veterans and active military will be given by historic characters at the Star Theater. This celebration of the Fourth of July will take place at the conclusion of the parade in Willow...


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