Willow Springs Fourth of July Parade

The Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce would like to invite all red, white and blue patriots to the front lines. On Thursday July 4 at 10:00 a.m. a celebration of the 248th birthday of our free nation will be held. The annual parade will begin at Booster Field and all participants are asked to check in for line up beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Booster Field. 
The chamber is inviting classic cars, civic groups, churches, service organizations, schools, businesses, bands, individuals, veteran’s groups, and anyone else who is interested to join in the parade. Entry forms are available now at www.wschamber.net under the EVENTS tab, or forms can be picked up at the chamber office located at 120 W Main St. in downtown Willow Springs. The chamber will have a limited number available that morning as well.
The chamber asks that candy be thrown by walking people and if at all possible, not thrown from the floats/vehicles.
A perennial favorite of the parade is the historical figures. If anyone is interested in representing a historical figure and need help with a costume, contact Jane Bailey at 417-469-2588.
Following the parade, there will be a patriotic program at the Star Theatre with live music from Sharry Lovan, presentations from historic figures and recognition of local veterans.
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