West Plains Board of Education agenda

The West Plains School District Board of Education met on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 5:00 p.m. after press time. The meeting will begin by approving the agenda and then immediately entering into closed session pursuant to Section 610.021.1 legal matters; Section 610.021.2 leading, purchase, or sale of real estate; Section 610.021.3 personnel matters; and Section 610.021.6 student matters.
The meeting will return to open session at 5:30 p.m. for the following items: approval of minutes; approval of monthly financial reports; approval request for employments, resignations, reitrements, terminations, transfers, and volunteers of individuals as recommended by the superintendent of schools; approval of program evaluations; payment of bills; payment of BURO Bill; CSIP update; MSBA 2023D policy update; approval of salary schedule step advancement for 2024-2025 school year; ATG softball/baseball field and Veregy Security Connection hallway bid; approval of 2023-2024 calendar change; building level reports; public relations and communications report; teaching and learning; facility, human resources, security and capital projects report; federal programs and special education report; superintendent's reports; and board member refresher training.
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