SWAT Challenge to be held July 4

The Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce is excited to partner with the Willow Springs Police Department for the 2nd Annual SWAT Challenge and 5K "I Ran From the Cops" fundraising events.
Both events will run simultaneously the morning of July 4 at Palenske Field in Willow Springs. Check-in starts at 5:30 a.m. and the events kick off at 6:00 a.m.
Entry fee for each event is $30.00 and includes a t-shirt. Pre-registration is highly encouraged. The 5K event also has a 1 Mile Walk/Fun Run as an option for non-runners. Registration is available online at wschamber.net under the EVENTS tab or forms are available at the Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce office located at 120 W Main St in Willow Springs.
Additionally, the Willow Springs Lions Club will be holding a pancake breakfast fundraising event at the same time. Breakfast will be available for $6.00 and includes pancakes, sausage and a drink. This is a fundraising event to support the Lions Club and the activities it supports including the Mighty Mites football league, the Community Easter Egg Hunt, eye exams and glasses for youth, the Backpack Food Program through the schools, large print books for the Willow Springs Library and the upkeep of the Red Caboose as well as other community services.
So come down, cheer on the competitors, enjoy a breakfast, start the Fourth of July out right and support some great local organizations.
For more information contact the Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce at 417-469-5519 by phone, willowspringschamber@gmail.com by email or stop in at 120 W Main St. across from G&W Foods.
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