Howell-Oregon Electric 85th Annual Meeting May 3
Tue, 04/23/2024 - 1:09pm
On Friday, May 3, Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative (HOEC) will host the 85th annual membership meeting. It will be held at the West Plains Civic Center beginning with registration at 4:30 p .m. This will be an in-person event and will have entertainment, informational displays, food (hamburgers and hotdogs) and prizes as well as the Kids Zone featuring inflatables and balloon animals. Musical entertainment will begin at 5:30 p.m. featuring Brady Walton of
Willow Springs. The business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. The HOEC office will close at 1:00 p.m. that day.
Informational booths will include the area internet providers, Current Inc., Wisper, GigFire, and Peace Valley Telephone. There will also be energy efficiency booths from HOEC and Sho-Me Power. Associated Electric Cooperative will have a virtual reality experience for members.
Ozarks Healthcare will be onsite as well as Ozark Action with the House Doctor info. The difference between HOEC, as a cooperative, and an investor-owned utility, is HOEC works for members rather than stockholders. As an electric cooperative, the sole mission is to deliver cost-efficient, reliable power to members.
This local input means those closest to the community know its needs and priorities and help direct where coops dollars are spent. Every year, HOEC invests funds to make updates to the local systems, which helps maintain reliability and grid resilience. By making these investments in the local system, the coop can ensure you have reliable power for everyday life. As a coop, our business model is meant to serve the members and the communities.
HOEC’s mission is to be a leader in delivering cost efficient, reliable energy with value-added service, and means we’re motivated by service to our communities. The coop is now in the 85th year and the focus hasn’t changed since the beginning in 1939. HOEC is fortunate to serve members in parts of six counties in this beautiful area. Thank you for allowing HOEC to serve each of you in Howell, Oregon, Douglas, Ozark, Shannon and Texas counties.