Howell County News/ Amanda MendezHowell County News/ Amanda MendezHowell County News/ Amanda Mendez

The Stitchin’ Post Celebrates 12 Years in Business

Labor Day weekend in 2009 saw the opening of The Stitchin’ Post. The holiday weekend this year marked twelve years in business for owners Grover and Joan Pierce. 
“My mother was an excellent seamstress,” shared Mrs. Pierce, “My first toys were fabric scraps. Being able to have my own fabric shop was a dream.”
The shop on Main St. in Willow Springs is festooned with colorful quilts pieced and quilted by Mrs. Pierce herself. The shop specializes in novelty fabrics and panels and proudly carries DMC embroidery floss. Mrs. Pierce is not the only quilter in the business. Mr. Pierce shared that he has pieced together four quilts after his wife pinned them together.
From the beginning, it has been a “mom ‘n pop shop,” said Mrs. Pierce. After Mr. Pierce retired from the U.S. Army, the couple traveled the country doing craft shows for years. 
“We got too young to do them,” quipped Mr. Pierce. 
The Pierces had owned a home in the Willow Springs area since the 1970’s, and they eventually decided to settle here to live in that home and open the fabric shop. When they bought the property, the location was already a fabric store. 
The key to their longevity is the way they have tried to appreciate their customers, Mrs. Pierce said.
“They have been very important to us and helped us to grow and stay in business,” she explained, “For a while, it looked like quilting was going to be a dying art, but I have been impressed with the younger folks coming in,” she said.
Their twelve years in business has been bolstered by their extremely successful Etsy shop, JoBerry Fabrics. During the COVID shutdowns last year, the Pierces’ business continued to thrive because their online shop was well established. They were shipping dozens of orders at a time. The shop continues to do well for them and currently features almost 2,500 positive reviews. There are over 800 patterns for sale in the Etsy shop, Mr. Pierce said. 
The Stitchin’ Post will offer specials for the Bear City Festival coming up on October 2 and will participate in the annual Fall Shop Hop the first weekend in November.
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