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Top 6 Educator of the Year finalists announced

Throughout the West Plains R-VII School District, educators tirelessly nurture and inspire students of every age. From parents to students, colleagues to community members, the district has reached out to gather stories of the teachers who have truly made a positive impact. After careful consideration, the district has distilled these nominations into the Top 6 finalists.
On Thursday, April 6, excitement was in the air as the district surprised each finalist with the title of Building Level Educator of the Year. Yet, the top recognition awaits as preparations are made to select the District Level Educator of the Year from this exceptional group. On May 16, these excellent educators will be celebrated at the district's faculty and staff awards banquet.
The Top 6 Educator of the Year finalists are: Adriane Wooderson-West Plains Elementary; Tonya Davis-Zizzer Pride Academy; Wayne Hansen-Southern Missouri Technical Institute; Korrie Vance-West Plains Middle School; Nichole Riggs-South Fork Elementary; and Sandra Roberts-West Plains High School.
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