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Jacob Poulette receives award for education excellence

Jacob Poulette, assistant professor of computer graphics and programming at Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP), recently was honored with the Missouri Council on Public Higher Education's Governor's Award for Excellence in Teaching.
The recipients of this year's award were recognized during a luncheon in their honor on Tuesday, March 5, at the Scruggs University Center on the campus of Lincoln University in Jefferson City.
The annual award honors outstanding faculty from post-secondary public schools, colleges and universities within the state. The recipients were selected by their respective institutions for effective teaching, innovation in course design and delivery, effective advising, service to the institution's community, and commitment to high standards of excellence.
"Jacob teaches in a rapidly changing field and does an excellent job staying up-to-date in those subjects," said Cathy Proffitt-Boys, dean for career and technical education, engineering and computer information systems. "He is among the best on campus at incorporating experiential learning into his classes.
"As assessment committee chair, Jacob has been an assessment champion and has been instrumental in further developing the campus program assessment and course assessment processes," she added added. "Jacob has also successfully led the Summer Scholars program for area middle school students."
Poulette has taught at MSU-WP for 11 years, serving as the program coordinator for the Associate of Applied Science in Computer Graphics and Programming degree program.
He earned a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from Abilene Christian University in 2010 and a Master of Science in Game Production and Management from the University of Advancing Technology in 2015.
For more information about degree offerings at MSU-WP and how you can apply, visit or call 417-255-7955.
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